The Needle in this fiction embodies Martial
Law. The skull mangled exemplifies the Filipino people specifically human rights victims from all persuasions –
enforced desaparecidos to combatants, students to academicians, civilians to soldiers, peasants to landlords,
laymen to religious, ordinary taxpayers to oligarchs, voters to politicians, officials to
professionals, – all victims of
militarization offered as sacrificial lambs in the altar of
Dictatorship. The crucifix and holy rosary, guns, bullets symbolizes the protagonists – heroes and
villains - and the causes and
institutions they represent. The red roses,
love affair that blooms and blossoms among the main characters.
Timeline was September 21, 1972 covering
fourteen long years of dictatorship when Martial Law was declared until
February 24, 1986 during the restoration of democracy ushered in by People’s
Power at Epifanio de los Santos
or EDSA. Post EDSA events from Fidel V. Ramos
to Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III or Pnoy’s presidency are treated in Epilogue.
The choice of fiction was deliberate
because of its timelessness and very
important lesson drawn from that historic event– the restoration of democracy
no less. Most importantly, its didactic
message to all Filipinos specially the
Post Martial Law babies: “Beware and never again to Martial Law!”
On format, the author uses four of Irving Wallace criteria in writing fiction
from his “The Writing of One Novel” with some innovation on grounding
characters using flashback and other
tools characterizing bestsellers like Dan Brown, Grisham . . . (not sure how this works though!) to
highlight the author’s premium on the relevance of said historical event and
its political ramifications surrounding the subject all throughout the story. First, no loose ends on plot. Subplot
should be tied together as much as possible all the way to the end. Second,
narrative excitement ringing the bell for readers. Third, the use of research
to disabuse and mitigate elements of violence and sex and lastly, the most
unlikely ending. Breaking the rules of writing known to man is a challenge
these criteria treated and addressed by the
writer specially the first, third and fourth are left to readers and critics. Editing of the first draft has
been done by the author using relevant
creative writing tips I culled from internet the likes of Ernest Hemingway,
Jeff Goins, Catherine Reid, Cynthia Jones-Shoeman, Joe Bunting of Nanowrimo,
Billy Wilder and Pruelpo, an FB friend and OFW dabbling as free lance writer
and guru. Third is an actual editing
from Ricardo S. Maulion Jr., my son, doing too the proofreading. I have
yet to accept any copy editors to do the favor for me.
suggestions and criticism from right
eyes for the better is in order here since this is the first attempt of the
author to break into international market hopefully to register a mark there.
This gauging from the encouraging comment of Mr. Tom Wallace of Publisher’s on Demand
Global of Asia Writes who send in an
online contract after reading and evaluating the First draft of ten chapters of
this work in progress approving for global publishing and marketing right away.
No thanks for the compliment. Bolero man diay
gihapon ning mga kano
in the highest order. But thanks anyway whatever he meant. He commented: “You
could be one of our future bestseller!” Dorrance and Ex Libris Australia would
similarly extend their contract for this
fiction. So far 5,145 pageviews and 1076 visits as of November 2104 after
posting the book online on top of more than 100 bookworms all over the globe
reserving their copy.
Having written too several articles as social
documentaries on issues of the day as columnist of Mindanao Gold Star Daily and SunStar Cagayan de Oro City, it is
welcome development exploring far
challenging genre like fiction writing given valuable resources we have in the
country on as many interesting issues we could share to humanity. Implacable
hostility between military and rebels, hostage taking or Sunshine Ind ustry
of Abu Sayaff in the South, Folk Christian Belief, politics, graft and
corruption – who could not be crazy over this sensitive issues affecting
ordinary tax payers!
dictatorship or militarization was undoubtedly the darkest era of the country’s
history each Filipino should draw and learn lesson from. For it
is only in learning what happened in the past we could rectify whatever
excesses committed but also refocus our collective energy towards fulfillment
and liberation. From there continue
moving on searching for that
elusive dream of pursuing peace, prosperity and development for our country.
Protagonists are heroes of the novel the
plot of the story revolved. Driarco dela Cruz and Taklin dela Rosa
once bosom friends the latter morphing into nemesis as plot progresses and
thickens in the context of nationalist’s struggle for survival over two diametrically opposing
paradigm, one the preservation of status quo and the other, the nationalist
struggle for democracy.
Specifically, this novel tells the story of
friendship among protagonists Driarco and Taklin, bosom friends when they were
both sacristans to Fr. Julio Lefuve, an Italian missionary, parish priest of Sta.
Rita. Their clique Isagani, Monera, Theodore, Horace, Erly -they developed
while at Sta. Rita Agricultural
College - served as each
other’s support group sustaining their
friendship all the way until the declaration of Martial law shattering their innocence and dreams into
bits and pieces away until they meet again during re-union. Betrayal too was
seen in the story from the twist of events facilitated by the Brown Shirts
represented by repressive town Mayor Jose Torres in cahoots with Power-Brokers that be.
Crusaders of peace, social dreamers, sometimes
revolutionary romantics seem to be an apt description of Driarco and Taklin as soon
as they found themselves embarking
similar fate. First up entering religious life starting their journey
on the road less travelled at the
Seminary searching for meaning and
fulfillment only threading separate ways
later. Taklin shifted to Military
Academy after his
Philosophy probably emboldened by the accident that happened to his family - his
father’s death and later his elder sister featured as casualty in an unintended
ambush at Mindoro.
Honed with discipline their parents vigorously
imbibed, both became masters of their own trade. Oozing with talents, ideals, zest and faith,
each day was lived with meaning by these two gentlemen. Lust for life would
have been the better alternative description sans immoralities characterizing
bona fide artist like Vincent Van Gogh. Both struggled carving niche in their
lives albeit lost in the maze of the system succeeding only to become casualty
while still on their prime at the time yet they’re most productive.
Taklin became decorated soldier of the AFP promoted to Major overnight
because of his series of exploits. The
rabid nationalist Driarco became a Catholic priest only to lose his vocation
just like any ordinary priests falling in love in ‘No exit’ predicament fleeing
to the hills at the height of civil
strife joining the underground movement, a decision he never regretted even at
the expense of his own life and vocation. Bp. Valdes of the Diocese of Romblon
once advised the young priest Driarco not to fall into familiar trap committing
any mistake selling his vocation to
Marcos. “That’s the easiest way of
losing one’s vocation,” he remembered the good Bishop admonishing him. But fate
probably had in store for him to that quandary as he finds practicing
priesthood with rebels instead later. “After all, a priest is forever a priest
in the Order of Melchizedek, the archetype of Jesus Christ who gave bread and
wine and blessed Abraham upon his return from battle,” he oftentimes
rationalized. “If this theology of
liberation in practice Leonard Boff, and Cardenal brother-priests of Nicaragua and
other progressive theologians preach and practice, so be it,” he further
qualified. “This is rather better alternative than merely concocting theology
of liberation in papers only,” he once wrote while in prison later.
The plot begins with the discovery by Fr.
Driarco on the dirty job done to his father. The needle no less planted on his
cranium was traced as the root cause of his murder. Same with the rest of
protagonists. Similar incident happened
to Taklin’s father but not known though
until both Fr. Driarco and Taklin, erstwhile friends inadvertently met in
Esperanza, the hotbed of militarization in Northern Mindanao changing the scene
of the story. Major Taklin leads his battalion in conducting military operation
with two Toratora, three Sikorsky, five 150 Military gunship and one Huey
helicopter providing air cover spearheading an air strikes in the campaign that ensued. It was the 13th plenary plenum
held by the rebels with Fr. Driarco
coordinating. All is told,
hundreds of civilians including children were caught in the crossfire. Many
died and the survivors were herded in nearby schoolhouses as internal
refugees. Unfortunately, Fr. Driarco
captured the military officer who happened to be Major Taklin de la Rosa. There
ensued the twist of events the military officer killed but survived savoring
renewed freedom or the story told.
Friendship transcends boundaries, creed and
ideology so the interrogator priest
renamed Ka Emir surreptitiously released him under cover of darkness. What
could he do he was the one calling the shot while the country was on fire. Yes but not at the
expense of bond of friendship tying
together the two gentlemen no ideology could break. There’s the rule of the
camp alright but there’s also the rule of the forest. Each one should bend a bit meeting at the
center to find meaning of that
friendship. The plot unveils the dirty reality but not when it thickens and in silence
reveals twist of events.
Both anyway suffered injustice at the hands
of the wolves spread around silencing those in Order of Battle of RSM. The
brutal killing of both their fathers by Mayor Torres’s men further aggravated their
already partial view reality. It was
clear conspiracy involving not just the Chief Executive himself but also, the rest of local officials
wanting to end their fathers’ political comeback in the local scene. The murder was delivered clean with no
semblance whatsoever nor precedent but not until the young Driarco took a brief
vacation from his overseas missionary work from Taiwan and conducted his own
inquest and post mortem. The needle
securely inserted into his cranium discovered bares it all how ruthless the
Mayor was to his opponent.
Debraining is how any student of Animal
Husbandry would call this barbaric slaughter, good only among helpless livestock in slaughter houses. Soon both realized that what they both actually discovered was merely a tip of an
iceberg learning the penchant of the Mayor’s orgy killing those whose faces he
doesn’t like to see.
Coming into the full circle of the story
from the rollercoaster ride of action,
hot pursuit and scrimmages protecting his dear life, Driarco has no choice but
fled for safety. But to no avail he succumbed to “No Exit” predicament first
defending the cause of innocent people until he was inadvertently lured and
caught by the underground movement. Where else would innocent man go finding
cover and solace than in collective protection and safety of its people. Must had been luck too God
providing cover His ordained priest in
dire need of protection how to untangled
himself out from the web of conspiracy. There at Mt. Sungcal both protagonist met and
what an end that anyway restored and relived later their friendship during
People Power celebration when Lakay Apo and family were out of power from Malacañang.
This is also a story of love, struggle and
quest for lasting peace and better living for every Filipino. As each story
unfolds so too of the country caught reeling from the impact of Martial Law and
American imperialism. The transformation
of the military into important segment of the country proved a great fiasco
however. It did not only arrogate the power of
civilians themselves but also left an indelible mark in the country’s
history as unpredictable opportunists.
Suffering Messianic complex thinking they could run better the
government than their civilian counterpart, they even staged coup d’ etat later
on 1988 and 1989 as if to remake an extension of military dictatorship.
Whether Martial Law succeeded in reforming
the Philippine society or merely a military takeover, a deathblow to democracy
creating Constitutional authoritarianism in the process is undoubtedly mere
platitude. Suffice it to say that much
damage has been done to many Filipinos.
Various institutions fell one after the other. Human rights violation documented by Amnesty
International, polarization of the masses from the rich, proliferation of graft
and corruption in bureaucracy, implacable and systematic accumulation and
amassing of wealth by Marcos and his cronies leaving $28 Billion debt on 1986 –
all these and many others are enigma upon the Filipinos. Like cascading waterfalls that swiftly float
into the sea, they would surely go down into the pages of history each one
would account to his children and grandchildren’s children asking whatever
happens and ‘why?’
Above all else, this is story of faith.
Despite untrammeled problems and tragedy of Taklin and Driarco, both protagonists were able to
share the value of faith they nurtured and
developed: faith living with
others without fear, and faith going
beyond the fear of death. That life
is only lived once and the best gift from above is a fact nobody can
deny. But it is even more richer living
it rightly for others. That makes it living once more than enough. In a
nutshell, this story is also our story. In the words of St. Paul to the Romans 12: “As much as
possible as it depends on you, live peaceably with everyone”, a valid maxim the two principals of this work
practice and protect.
Lest this work would be misconstrued as
result of stream of consciousness to borrow the oft-repeated words of William
James, it took many years of meticulous and painstaking research, interviews
with those who suffer under Martial Law and critical observation of fourteen
years military rule to come up with this very special project. This work admittedly is never peanuts. For one, atrocities committed by both party
against each camp were so glaring that narrating them in this project it seems,
would make a bias interpretation let alone, might define the progressive
character of the writer. If this is the
case, then be as it may. When would we came out from our shell anyway and
reveal the truth? While we are still breathing or blown away to the world of
the unknown dead!
After all, who is winning in any civil
strife? Or to put bluntly, who suffers most?
There is family of both military and rebel of course as collateral
damage. The country is also
bleeding to death. But the worst
casualties, according to many observers are civilians themselves caught and
affected by civil strife. In war there are no victors only victims, Ninoy
Aquino would write later in “Testament
from Prison Cell.”
all this sufferings happened? Aberrations or excesses, you might say. Damn good
answer. Unfortunately, ours is a civilized country and democratic yet whose
civility is not gauged by the number of excesses. Truth or consequence but an International
Body tasked in monitoring and promoting world peace ranks our country in the
lowest later in terms of civility. Not surprising actually as we’ve been
similarly featured as one of most corrupt country in the globe as later
validated by Transparency International Study.
in general being very prohibitive is always at the expense of civilians. For instance, it has been claimed that those
caught in the crossfire far outweigh the numbers of direct casualties. Such was the trend in the first two world
wars. Just consider the eighty five percent of civilians killed in two World
Wars. Galling! There are no better words of remorse for all the damage upon
victims in war than when Capt. Lewis, American Pilot dropping bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima
seeing all those irreparable damage from the mushrooming smoke uttered in
useless remorse: “My God what have we done to Thy people!”
The author recognizes many friends whose
invaluable help and participation enabled him to complete this long-delayed
project albeit late. Special thanks to Mayet and wife, my five children Nikki
for encoding; Mike and Maricar for book cover layout; Ricardo S. Maulion Jr.
for editing of content and John Rafael as stand-by Personal Computer trouble
shooter when entry in the computer got messed up. To Attys. Tibs Palasan,
Macodi Agus and Jojo Ucat for their
legal minds.
F. Maulion September
21, 2011 Cagayan de Oro City Mindanao, Philippines
092763002214 Email
Past President Corazon C. Aquino was simply
phenomenal. All freedom-loving Filipinos
owe their gratitude and should return
back the compliment to her she extended to the country specially when it mattered most. Democracy no less!
How her name beacons in the limelight of
democracy and in the world of politics
is indeed amazing. True she might have not experienced any public
administration from the barangay before history catapulted her as President of the
through People Power of 1986. But the accolades and various recognitions and
standing ovation she reaped in US Congress the prestigious Time Magazine
naming her “Woman of the Century” far validates her niche in world politics as
popular opinionated icon. That other countries in the world practiced her
People Power – from communist mainland China, Germany, Europe to democratic
Asian countries and lately in Middle East and still counting - are proof of the magic she could weave harnessing
the collective energy of the people like EDSA toppling down authoritarian
government. With that incredible feat, she is at par with the great Mahatma
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many other world’s great. It’s no wonder that her
name was even nominated by some quarters
after her death into sainthood among Catholics
indicating the miracle her sanctity brought about political changes in
the country and beyond.
What past presidents failed to do, Cory
simply did it with finesse and style through her celebrated transparent good
governance. No question that no less than
PNOY later would acknowledge his
elevation to presidency to her mother he revealed in one of his visit of China . So too with the rest of the country who
proved to one and all that not all 68
Million Filipinos back then are that stupid
and coward fighting and subsequently ending the fourteen long years of Marcos’ dictatorship. But Cory just did it showing to the world that no way a dictator could
stay that long in office squeezing government’s coffers empty clean and dry.
“Yes, how she won that 1986 snap election
might be suspect,” any Juan de la Cruz might gripe. But as then Sen. Rene
Saguisag, one of her loyal but brilliant apologist bares it in Dong Puno’s
highly rated talk show Viewpoint.
“He who runs away from the fight naturally is a loser.”
course, the election was not a derby,” the opposing gentlemen in the show
argued against.
“So what when Juan then was there ready to unleash
delivering the coup de grace to the tough dictator.”
Thanks that People Power saved the day or
conflagration would have eaten innocent Filipinos alive.
Undoubtedly Marcos’ categorical “No!’
response to then Gen. Ver of bombing
Camp Aguinaldo where Ramos,
Enrile and thousands of supporters holed in
proved to be his last remaining saving grace. That more or less bailed
him out from the infamy and disgrace of history.
True enough, she did great favor to Juan by restoring him back his cherished security and freedom
mangled by Marcos. What more a widow could
offer the Filipinos asking for great change?
She also formed the Presidential Commission
on Human rights. Though devoid of any
police power, it helped every Filipino seek redress against any human rights
violations. After her declaration of provisional Revolutionary Government,
she proclaimed the creation of
Constitutional Commission to formulate draft of Constitution after consultation
to Filipino people all throughout the country. That vital document is now the 1987 Constitution and By Laws governing
and securing basic rights of each Filipino.
The transition from dictatorial to
democratic was not at all bed of roses though for President Cory Aquino. Dwindling economy, $28 Billion IMF debt,
sporadic hostilities between the reds and military, bloated bureaucracy,
possible resurgence of fascist rule given the power and unpredictability of Marcos’ loyalist camp, termination of
Military Bases Agreement, internecine strife among Muslims separatists in
Mindanao above all bread and butter for Juan. These were some of the challenges facing the new President. But she faced them nonetheless confronting
them one at a time. Upon assumption of office, she did ala Ramon Magsaysay
opening Malacanang to all general viewing
public revealing the lavish display of wealth of the First Family.
Surprisingly, Cory Aquino’s economic woes was a fulfillment
of an ominous ad in Philippine Daily Inquirer reserving her government’s
program in one whole blank page of paper with the caption: “This page is
reserved for Cory Aquino’s program of government.” Groping for form in the dark
left in the cold was indeed what happened to Cory’s effort nipped in the bud
whatever programs she had for the country. Compounding the hardship of her
administration were series of mutinies staged by military adventurists in 1988 to 1989.
Suffering Messianic complex thinking that
they could run better the country than their civilian counterpart, the highly
ambitious military gentlemen suffering
an amnesia of People’s Power staged series of mutinies. But no way, not over
the dead body of Juan de la Cruz whose
hangover of Martial Law, was still fresh and resolved that no compromise for resurgence of any
semblance of military dictatorship is needed back then. No and never again, were
the words in many placards shown every Martial Law anniversary vindicating that
Filipinos’ romance with dictatorship was already over. Definitely not yet ready too of adopting a banana
True to her promise after EDSA, Cory did
not deliberately seek reelection to the consternation of her close friends and
advisers thus setting the tone of an exciting presidential derby among ambitious
presidential timbers of different breed, discipline and persuasions: Fidel
Ramos former Chief of Staff, Eduardo Cojuangco a businessman, Ramon “Monching”
Mitra then holding the second powerful position as Senate President foisting to
outlive his opponent in the race with his ‘Matirang Matibay’ maxim or so it
seems; spitfires Miriam Defensor Santiago who minces no words and have death
threats as her breakfast and last, the
veteran and ever grizzled politician Jovito Salonga who is yet to taste debacle
in his sterling political career. This was one of the second presidential Derby that happened. The
first one of course happened during Marcos second term reelection in 1969
Presidential election among twelve candidates who run for the highest position
of the land. And while post EDSA election was relatively peaceful that of
Marcos was marked by irregularities from fraud, vote buying and massive
violence. It was said that Marcos spent $56 Million from Philippine Treasury to
fund his campaign.
The Filipino people who benefitted People
Power might have waived, fall short of the expectation diminishing their commitment to EDSA but thankfully, they
collectively carved a niche as legacy for all people to remember the monster
that is dictatorship. Just like Holocaust
where millions of Jews died in the hands of Hitler stories of their past
in graphical sight and sounds in Israel
were preserved, reminders of Martial Law
from Sept. 21, 1972 to 1981
roughly nine (9) years when it
was recalled by Ferdinand E. Marcos and thereafter towards February 24, 1986 of
People Power EDSA Revolution as rightly enjoined by a letter sender of
Philippine Daily Inquirer is in order here. We need to learn the lesson from
this more than decade of infamy to guide
our children specially those post Martial babies from that dark history of our country were many lives were sacrificed
and significantly, paying the price
dearly restoring democracy. This is to protect
that “ . . . learning from the past experience and ensuring that things
that happen in the past will never happen again,” then Dr. Aurora A. Parong,
Executive Dir., Task Force Detainee of the Philippines said and rightly
“Never again and no more Martial Law and Militarization!” should then
be the battle cry or we have again to summon the much abused principle that is
Unarmed Revolution or People Power resting its rightful place in history. What
the country needs is to move on as re-united nation bringing collective towards attainment of peace,
economic prosperity and development in all other facets of life.
Thus far, Martial Law Museum was already
established with files of 6,000 entries among victims on 1999. How much
monetary benefits a victim would get depends on the gravity of his
suffering, it was learned. Imelda Marcos’s antics that “we did not even
pinch a human right victim and that God may strike me anytime of thunder with
dispatch if we committed abuses” she declared to Veteran international
broadcaster Veronica Pedrosa when the latter confronted the issue at Congress
as part of her bio video Imelda and Me shown last September 2011 in You
Tube, US Federal jury in Honolulu would
soon award $1.2 Billion damages to roughly 9,500 victims of tortures, summary
killings and disappearances during Marcos’ regime from Sept. 21, 1972 towards February 24,1986
with interest, the amount grown to nearly $4 Billion in the maze of lawsuits
and legal appeals. Unfortunately all victims have yet to receive that reward as commitment for the payment has
been long overdue though cleared victims will stand receiving the payment. By
far not a single human right victim received cent as of 2005. (PDI February 7,
2005) until six more years later (2011) when some finally were given their claims.
To her caution to Switzerland government “not to take the money
that does not belong to them,” US Appellate Court promulgated a decision putting beyond their
reach Marcos assets recovered by
Philippine government from Secret Bank accounts in Switzerland .
Similarly, Congress passed a law under Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo allowing
the victims share of Marcos bounty which had been deposited in government’s bank. Account too is in and not lost. Victory in defeat is how
this remuneration works as it is “moral obligation of the State to compensate
human rights victims.” (PDI February 7, 2005) DBM would then order and allocate
P8 Billion from the proceeds of Marcos’ wealth to the claimants and portion of
the proceed budgeted for implementation of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program or (CARP).
Sen. Joker Arroyo made the compensation
bill for this in the Senate and all was
not lost for Martial Law victims until 2005 as indicated when victims
not seen receiving a single cent promised
to be awarded to them. Until the anniversary of Martial Law in Sept. 21,
2010 where Human Rights victims stood
receiving US $1,000.00 each as partial compensation. This was confirmed by
Atty. Rod Domingo Jr. representing the 7,600 victims of human rights violation
in US class suit. Final hearing was
set November 16th that year. This writer wonders if at all money was already
distributed last January and February of 2011 as stipulated. “. . . . This will not compensate their
sufferings. But it’s a start. We are hoping more will come soon. Our victory is after all not symbolic but
real,” Domingo clarified (UCA News 2011).
It did. Marie Ilao who delivered one of her child inside a prison, would
later show receipt of $1,000.00 check as
her partial remuneration from the government shown from Veronica Pedrosa,
international correspondent of Al
Jazeera, latest bio video coverage “Imelda and me” shown lately (Sept. 25-2011) on mainstream TV
and You Tube. Marie Ilao’s younger sister, a student writer back then was not
lucky as her’s. She was never seen again after her abduction. Her crime –
writing an article against the government in her school’s paper organ.
All is told, Fidel Valdez Ramos whose“ I’m sorry Manong but your time is up!”
pick-up lines against Marcos, actually his relative and master for many years” eked
out plurality votes over his closest rival Miriam Defensor Santiago in that
hotly contested national election of 1992. Some insiders look at Cory’s support
to Ramos as her reward in quelling several coup ‘d etat staged by military
rebels notably Gringo Honasan who later snatched Senate seat in 1994 Senatorial election.
Aggravating her economic woes were insecurities, restlessness and what have you
gradually building into higher proportion spreading its impending danger all
the way from Metro Manila down to the South. The threat came from all fronts –
left, right and middle referring to the resurgence of leftists, Marcos
loyalists and the military rebels.
There was also the implacable threat from
the century old Muslim separatists camp of MNLF Chief Nur Misuari to dreaded
Abu Sayyaf engaging in kidnap-for-ransom employing high tech weapons yet. Worst
still, her secretaries have to be replaced one after the other to issues
ranging from ineptitude, incompetence, graft and corruption to simple political
pressures beyond control. Sad it to say that despite her honest to goodness
reconciliation program, her relentless efforts fell on deaf ears either abused
or shunned away as an outright attempt of aligning forces with Uncle Sam in
what the leftists would tout as her version of staging Total War aimed at
renewing the faltered hostility against the commies of the past.
For the meantime, killings went on
unabated. Ceasefire was merely a concoction of liberation in papers only both
government panel and rebels reaching a stalemate over terms of reference the
latter would stretch the law digressing beyond the common line stipulated. No meeting of minds
in other words the rebels insisted of
shelving out Phil. Constitution of 1997 insisting only on their prepared
talking points the government panel could not swallow.
If ever the ceasefire agreement served its
purpose, it merely facilitated the rebels’ visit to their respective families
and relatives coming out in open talking in different forum – from public
market to universities – the moral of their crusade (arm struggle against the
government) and spelled out litanies of ill will why there is a need of driving out the Americans, implementing progressive land reform and of
fighting the government who has reneged its commitment in delivering basic
services to the people. Whatever happened to Lean Alejandro, labor leader Ka
Lando Olalia and hapless farmers featured in ruthless Mendiola massacre. The
latest case of enforced desaparecidos was Jonas Burgos, the son of Joe Burgos,
an erstwhile noted journalist of Malaya .
Another were the Manalo brothers. They were
fortunate that they escaped from the
dragnet and have their tales documented and their lives protected. Writ of Amparo
was the result of their storied journey to freedom.
These are incidents that otherwise would
have been addressed and the sign of the
times read by government that would have
averted further restlessness. But as this harassment were later included in
history, it’s farfetched it seems to blot out the curse that is dictatorship
until EDSA revolt happened 1986.
But as rhetorics died down, one lofty
glaring legacy came out: restoration of democracy back to the Filipinos. That
nobody would argue against. Not only did she fulfilled her promise not to run
but also, put herself on line protecting that recovered democracy with all her
might and influence.
“Follow what I’m doing! Don’t tamper the
Constitution. Delegate the post to anybody else you perceived as protector of
democracy like we did in EDSA in effect warning how far the monster that
is Martial Law capable of making
destruction,” Tita Cory advised driving home her urgent concern to her successor Kuya
But not after her administration was
dragged too on several burning issues that marred her legacy of social
responsibility and good governance. History this time was not on her side as her short
five years term (1986-1991) was accounted for. Human right violation were as
follows: 816 disaparecidos, 135 cases of massacres, 1064 victims of summary
executions, 20, 523 illegal arrest and detention, 1,200,000 civilian
dislocations. Leaving a mole on her good name were different high profile
massacres. One was Mendiola massacre on January 1987 killing 13 farmers and 39 gunfire injuries fired upon by Cory’s
government forces. Second in a row was Lupao massacre ensued the following month of February killing
15 farmers including 6 children and 2 elders dead. Sword of War was unleashed
according progressive groups as Vigilante
groups hired the notorious Alsa Masa and Tadtad cult killing more than
100 in the process.
There were other serious and acerbic issues raised against Cory specially coming
from her beleaguered Yellow army who even lobbied her against receiving
international awards and distinction. Among others, she didn’t help Flor
Contemplacion who would have been saved from electrocution in Singapore had
she pursued her cause all the way, her detractors contended.
Cory’s endorsement on her Sec. of National
Defense Gen. Fidel Ramos was vindicated when he immediately fixed her house from
disarray upon his assumption of office in Malacañang.
On a lighter note, Uncle Sam’s presence in the Philippines was ended in 1992 what with Phil.
Congress rejecting new treaty with the country getting back Subic
Bay and Clark Airfield from US. Four years later in 1996, guerilla
warfare in the South was also terminated with the granting of sovereignty for the
establishment of Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) as stipulated in
Tripoli Agreement, a deal the government signed
with Chairman Nur Misuari.
That at least proved that forging peace is
good exercise but if not taken seriously, leads to nowhere. Thus, the need of
working peace for a lifetime or we have
to continue waging war as an alternative which does more harm than good. With
economy secured in the good hands of President Ramos, the country too had
averred his “Philippines 2000” template this as wave of industrialization
started from Marcos to Cory’s term had its defining moment. This happened despite
series of currency devaluation, an offshoot of financial crisis that gripped Asia in 1997 Steady Eddie’s term just breezed through
With the agreement however between
government and MILF on Bangsamoro Entity, it is hoped that anything for the
better would happen to the country especially Mindanao to end the century’s old
hostility and to finally put various investments in place at Mindanao
specially Muslim areas. Pera sa Mindanao
para sa Mindanao, one ad from bank says it all. But this is easier than
done unless what is stipulated in the framework to be approved by Congress and
Senate would be put in place. As it has been characterized, feudal system is
still existing in Muslim areas. Warlordism, loose firearms considered an extension
of their intestines next to cars, a friend said, wholesale graft and corruption
by officials – all these are bottlenecks that should be resolved first. Look whatever
happen now and as earlier cited in the fiction, mostly of all of Muslim
provinces in the Region were in latest (2012) top 10 poor provinces. Where all
the government’s money gone? Poor and yet look on the 2012 Statement of Assets
and Liability Networth (SALN) of government officials, many top officials in
the Region made it to top 2! And yet Marawi City
has even no traffic lights. How is this? Lately the MSU-Main, the biggest University
in terms of students population was not
even spared as site of ambush!
National identification system, ground
working for unicameralism from bicameralism in the Senate, securing millions of
signatories to amend the Constitution might have been unpopular issues and his drawback but as his pen name ‘Steady Eddie’
would aver all is not lost for Filipino to change for the better.
ERAP’s time came though when he was elected
President in1998. He did not finished his term however when public outrage
overtook him on charges of corruption. He was unseated when Congress and Senate
impeached him as President in 2001. Like
a movie, the Man of the Masses would soon reclaim his role albeit his own
nemesis. The first ever corruption case in the history transforming his
sobriquet Erap para sa mahihirap to an ex giving him what he could bargain for.
This anecdote would surely qualify for his sick “Eraption Jokes.”
“It seems my life is already predestined
and consigned to the dustbin of history as an ‘Ex.’ I was an Ex mayor, Ex
Senator, Ex Vice President, Ex President and unprecedented Ex-convict,” his
double Willie Nepumoceno confessed to an amusement of captive paying audience.
The economist Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s
turn came in 2004. Narrowly defeating Fernando Poe Jr., Ex-President Joseph
Estrada’s close friend and buddy, getting roughly 3% differential over her
closest rival. Implicated in influencing
2004 election results though revealed in a taped conversation with
COMELEC Chairman Garcillano, calls for her resignation roared in Congress. Fortunately, the issue died down before it
could muster desired number thus voting down impeachment charges against her. But
the curse seems to be on her as her erstwhile political allies in Mindanao ZaldyAmpatuan,
Bedol and other accomplices on that election are turning witnesses against her
spilling the beans how the election was manipulated to her favor and the rest
of candidates on her slate. This should be in order as the crime committed is
far worse than Maguindanao Massacre in that the entire Philippine population
votes was taken in a joyride and massacred compare to roughly 57 victims of
Maguindanao Massacre involving 32 journalists, according to Conrad de Quiros,
columnist of Phil. Daily Inquirer. Thus far, then Senator Juan Miguel
Zubiri who was beneficiary of deduct- add
on scheme in Maguindanao thinking aloud of possible repercussion in his
political career and of saving his face nipped the bud by tendering his resignation. But whether, his case would be vindicated is
yet to be seen.
Aggravating her dark spot of her legacies
were ZTE deal, Macapagal anomalous extension road project and all that. She too held each Filipino captive and hostage leaving roughly P50,000.00 debt for each and
as lasting gift that on top for having grandstanding that her administration
had accomplished more than her previous predecessors combined ever in terms of
infrastructure projects, Gross Domestic Product, Billions of Investments, RORO
and lately poll automation among others..
Wanting even more not leaving any stones
unturned at least before she’ll left her office, she filled up sensitive vacant
positions slots in the judiciary through midnight appointment. And to appease
the restlessness that sparked the ire among legal profession as immunity from
suit would soon mature and waived from her, she have all lawyers ordered and given equivalent
career officer rank in government service. Some people in media sector who
secure her good image were also rewarded with juicy position.
The list is long. But are you not wondering
why she
practically moved heaven and earth never mind last ditch effort
purportedly leaving such legacy effort
drumbeated in full throttle by media
that incoming administration would be benefiting the most from such bequest? Your guess is as good
as mine. There will be surge and avalanche of lawsuits dragging her
into Court. She would then have her day
full as soon as she steps out from Malacanang. Bayan Muna, Anak Pawis and
Garbriela are all set, eager and rarin’ to sue her for countless irregularities
accounted to her administration. It’s a sad refrain of course for PGMA. But
what could she do. The people whom she might have faithfully served might have
also equally good reasons to make it in
the spirit of transparency and accountability
before bidding her adieu out from
the palace. She did to avail services
of medical experts outside the shores
but her plan was nipped in the bud as she was apprehended before he could board
her flight outside the country. Soon her mug photo with brace on her neck under
house arrest landed as one of the best photo of 2011 adjudged by local TV station.
Until the first ever automated national
elections was introduced and used in 2010 election. Benigno “Noynoy” Simeon
Cojuangco Aquino III in short Pnoy won the Presidential election and sworn in
at Rizal Park on June 30, 2011 setting new birth
of Philippine ‘walang wangwang, no
counter flow against and you Filipino ordinary guys are all my bosses’ brand of
Unfortunately, it’s been more than two
decades since EDSA and yet People Power
hardly registered desirable changes among peoples’ lives. First, we should
stopped an orgy of creating other EDSA. Let the spirit of that people power
rules and governs us. Such is the
continuing challenge for us today. Indiscriminate firing would still fills the
air unabated if there would be no sincerity
in working out lasting peace. Ceasefire would just be in paper. Above
all else, let us put into practice what Cory Aquino painstakingly restored for
us – democracy. How could we ever fail when we have not really practiced
it. Look who controls the economy of the
nation if not mostly Oligarchs who also
control Congress and Senate.
Riding on the crest of people power, Pnoy
finally occupied the seat of power in Malacanang. Will he make true his promise
of New Philippines with zero corruption, an anathema to development. Would he
really lead us to truth and straight
path no detour and taking short cuts
towards development. Hmm, familiar rhetorics. But beware no matter how high
words fly high might bring us up
there, we would not stay there that
long. We’ll still go back to the earth.
The better really drawing the battle lines this early as shown that addressing this
problem is easier said than done by the past administration. Doing that would definitely
not allow us to be taken only in joyride.
Despite having been critical on his term therefore we should all join
forces in the spirit of EDSA participating in his program of government. And
where all this start than in our respective barangay our true home actually
where we are stakeholders of development. Wishing him the best of luck and
hopefully his government would fulfill its avowed promise of development breaking probably all the records set by his predecessors not addressing at all instead
aggravating the problem earning all failing grades after their terms. This is
his moment as in a song to move on and proved they were all wrong. Or we would
soon reap whirlwinds from rhetorics and excuses again. But PNoy should work
doubly hard. The odds incidentally is against him. He was more of a liability
as lawmaker having not really formulated relevant laws of the day. His moral
ascendancy is also suspect as their family’s Hacienda Luisita was secured
through dubious means with some killing incidents involving farmers there
personally instigated by him before he leapfrogged at Malacanang through 2010
election COMELEC officials linked to Conspiracy manipulating said election through
rigging PCOS machines reason some Election
Return ended dumped in garbage dumpsites like in Cagayan de Oro City.
Professionals too rendered him psychologically imbalance after discovering fits
of unpredictability shown by his certified “Ngiting
Aso” stance on relevant issues later. Hostage Crisis in Luneta killing Chinese
Nationals from Hongkong, erratic love affair and ramming the issue of having
Judiciary subordinated to the Executive harassing no less than its Chief
Justice Renato Corona. The Impeachment Case against Corona
progressed in the House of Senate. The spectacle was dramatic as
majority of Senators voted for Corona’s impeachment save for Madam Miriam
Defensor Santiago, Joker Arroyo and I think Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos. The
result however proved to be undoing of PNoy as wholesale buying their votes for
millions was later discovered.
Today indeed is the start of that crusade
hopefully translating that oft repeated
and much abused term into simple economics.
Chance or opportunity is actually another term for economics. It is then
behooved that President elect would have that
word in focus as he is starting his crusade for better and effective
government. After all, he himself
is an economist though not in the mold
of his predecessor. But who knows if a
student is brighter and better in practice than his mentor. The momentum is definitely on him. He has all resources – people and
money- at his disposal in addressing
them. Add the mandate of more than fourteen
million putting him in office. The pressure is just too strong. I don’t
know how he’ll handle it. He probably needs unsolicited advice and might have gotten
it when he fetched her and took her for a ride to Quirino Grandstand in a
limousine as protocol demanded before she too proceeded to second district in
Pampanga taking her own oath of office.
Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Sr. was once part of the opposition and human
rights group and many are thinking aloud if the unsolved assassination issue
would be closed by his son and namesake
PNoy now holding the reign of power. Time is running past and his term near
ending. So far, he proved his sincerity of his campaign pledge of eradicating
graft and corruption sending Juan Ponce Enrile,Jinggoy Estrada and Ramon
Revilla in jail. What the nerve the student had facilitating house arrest of
once her mentor PGMA in Ateneo.For the first time, the country too registered
the highest GNP relegating China in the region. On the contrary he is yet to
validate that Certificate of Psychological Imbalance by ADMU was wrong albeit
his mishandling of then Luneta Hostage Crisis, PDAP scam and the still
implacable Mamasapano incident killing many SAF Officers and members. The story continues….
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fast forward past EDSA. As an officer of Knights of Columbus it is normally
incumbent upon us to honor our fallen Fourth Degree brothers of our Assembly giving them decent and colorful
necrological service and burial. “Time
flies, remember death!” we are reminded. One that really touched this
writer beyond this practice honoring our
fallen brothers as practical Catholics happened. But this was ugly experience
of the past defying description hitting you real hard beyond human
the chapel where I spent vigil
was another chapel with two military personnel their casket draped by Philippine
flag. Personally, it was the first time I observed a chapel with two
caskets. Incidentally, there were only
three people spending vigil. Along the
road was their service vehicle parked with holes all over, an indication they
were peppered with bullets thus, killing instantly four of them while on their way home after
negotiation with the rebels in Veruela, one of the rivertown in Agusan del Sur.
But what caught my curiosity was the
declaration of the woman, a sister of one of the casualty that the incident
happened right after the negotiation. Who else could have done it if not those
of the other party engaging in double-cross.
scene was reminiscent of a woman and a toddler standing on a box in a pier
waiting for the boat to carry them back home to Visayas. That wooden box was
the casket actually of her fallen husband who was a military.
There were many similar images playing on mind down the memory
lane from this incident. Vereula of
course was my first assignment as Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer. I wrote
too and compose many songs including “Magsasaka” which won to me 3rd
price in National CARP Songwriting
contest in 1991 prompting me to add twelve others and packaged them into
Himig Mindanao, a CD now on sale in
That’s more personal and the lighter side
of it. For incident-wise, the experience
buried dark spot in my subconscious.
First, Victoria of an earlier anecdote
was actually one and the same Salome a
registered nurse and first cousin in Mindoro
became one of the casualty on an ambush of military jeep
carrying military officers on their way home to Roxas, Oriental Mindoro. The
rebels asked forgiveness later and even offered financial help to atone for
their miscalculation brutally killing my cousin in broad daylight who was and
never a party of the military she being a registered nurse except that of taking
her ride for home that afternoon which turned out very costly. But again the
incident simply overtake faster before
they could even think of.
What could be done when she now became an
added statistics to continuing struggle we don’t know how many more innocent
lives would be charged as excesses. What is there to remedy when damage was already done and
committed? Too many question indeed to ask but answered merely with equally
elusive answer or whimper.
there’s Renerio Cagang, my bosom friend back then in Xavier University
in early 80’s whom I have not seen since we parted our ways in 1981. He
actually went to the hills and became
top commander in Bukidnon with P500,000.00 reward for his capture. The last
time I heard him straight from his men in San Luis, Agusan del Sur was when he
too became victim of double-cross, his body looks like Ninoy Aquino’s double in a casket indicating the damage inflicted when
the other party in the negotiating table went back and fired against him and
companions with hail of bullets sealing the fate of their negotiation in 1986.
What a clincher of a truce here. What a waste of life!
Another is the incident involving that very
promising beautiful, talented and naïve lady
student of MSU-IIT, Iligan City, Mindanao, who earned sobriquet as Maam Nars
because the way she took care afflicted
and gullible farmers in highland
Bukidnon. Her fragile body was unfortunately found dead among many casualties in
one encounter in Bukidnon. Her dream of helping her fellowmen just ended that
fast without even realizing her vision.
Similar tragedy are seen from many other
true-to- life story of good Filipino men and women dragged into the limelight
of that wrong war not of their own making their numbers piling the already long
list of faceless casualties. Some were not as
lucky like parents eagerly expecting the return of their beloved sons
and daughters. There’s a mother who is still waiting to see his beloved son – a
student leader – who never went back after his abduction by military men; an
elderly mother waiting to see his beloved son comes back after serving a parish
and was forced joining the Nationalist struggle for democracy and never went
back later. When? This is yet to be seen as rarely they would be reunited
unless they surrender back to the fold of government after going up into the
hills. Same story, same pattern, same results
among military. Bottom line –death and deprivation of parental care
among remaining family. Yes hostility or restlessness is as ugly as war.
Living in Mindanao
with all those implacable hostilities, hostage taking and terrorism happening
around us right before our eyes just send us
trembling down in bone and marrow
far more than we imagine. Add the
senseless beheading by Abu Sayyaf, hostage takings of innocent International Red Cross personnel, clergy,
missionaries, teachers and innocent persons –
constitute too that war crimes against the norms and standard set by
Geneva Convention in 1948 and Protocol II.
Hostage taking particularly is so pervasive and unpredictable that it
has been so rampant that it has become sunshine industry among terrorists. Add those senseless killings of men in media industry and you get familiar
picture of crime against humanity. No
wonder that we have dislodged Iraq
as the most dangerous place in the world for any journalist what with the still
unsolved Maguindanao Massacre which according to legal experts would last more
than 200 years to solve given the number of suspects implicated the killing of
more than 50 media personnel. Jhoy Duhay of Mindanao
Gold Star Daily at Tacurong
City , was actually my
buddy in the profession although I have not seen him personally.
It’s sad that albeit those excesses
happening before our eyes, ending those countless innocent people as
additional statistics of crimes against
humanity, there’s hardly collective resolution of addressing them to avert
further escalation of hostilities. Even
those drug related-industry, many suspects ended up freed than prosecuted,
complained by officers who apprehended them. But of course, this is already
another story.
Notes from fiction and Epilogue Frequently Ask Questions
How long the country was under
Martial Law?
Ans: Fourteen (14) long years (Declared Sept. 21,
1972 and ended Feb. 24, 1986 at the height of EDSA People Power); Nine (9)
Years if January 17, 1981 is reckoned when it was officially lifted by Pres.
Ferdinand Marcos. This was prompted by Pope John Paul II’s visit to the
Reasons of declaration of
Martial Law?
Communism threat; Muslim separatists
movement growing in the South; hostility and growing restlessness including 1971 Plaza Miranda
Bombing all over specially in Metro Manila. Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile was finally
the last straw leading and justifying the issuance of PD 1081.
How many were the numbers of
rebels back then in 1988?
25,000 spread into 42,00 barangays nationwide of which 16,500 NPAs were
regulars and 2,500 in metro Manila. This number was after two years from Marcos fall in 1986.
What happened during
Writ of Habeas Corpus was suspended. Tri-Media were closed down. Curfew
imposed. Congress was abolished. Activists and political opposition were
arrested. Highly politicized military carried away extrajudicial killings and
forced disappearances holding thousands in military camps tortured. 1,500
salvagings and 3,200 extrajudicial killings. National Treasury raided. Birth of Crony capitalism.
People were practically ruled by decrees. (Ed Lingao. A Different EDSA Story. Short Memories, Unfinished Businesses.
Feb. 24, 2012)
How long did Marcos reign?
Twenty (21) long years. Twelve (12)
years or three terms as elected President and nine (9) years under Dictatorship
to include declaration of Martial Law in Sept. 21, 1972 towards People Revolution in Feb. 24, 1986 when he
created cult personality through Military Dictatorship thereafter. The first
President to be elected thrice actually aptly called “Eternal Pres” after
winning the third term he garnered 88%
votes against two opponents – Alejo Santos of Nationalista Party and Bartolome
Cabangbang of Federal Party! He was
elected in 1965; reelected President in 1969 and third in June of 16,1 981. This
must had been the 4th election it seems as Parliamentary Election
was conducted in April 7, 1978 his party winning landslide victory not one from
Aquino’s Laban Party winning a seat in Congress. Declared Martial Law in Sept.
21, 1972 perpetuating himself in power until People Power in February of 1986
installing Pres. Cory Aquino in power.
Brief Biographical sketch of
Pres. Ferdinand Marcos. (Born - ; dead- 1988, Honolulu, Hawaii.)
, , , 1935 – political murder of Nalundasan by 18 years old Ferdinand with a 22
caliber rifle; Nov. 1939 young law student indicted for killing and convicted
by district Court. Case appealed to Supreme Court in 1940 where conviction was
overturned despite strong evidence of guilt through influence of Mariano Marcos
and a Judge. Conscripted as Combat Intelligence of the 21st Infantry Division, caught but survived the
weak-long Bataan Death March. Rumored to have escaped from prison camp though
disputed. He was Special Assistant to Manuel Roxas, first President of newly
independent Philippines in 1946-47; married Imelda Romualdez in 1954; elected
as Congressman in 1949-59. The apex of his political career came in Dec. 30,
1965 when he was elected Philippine President. There ensued the story of
promoting his cult personality.
How was the economy back then
under President Marcos?
Philippines was second only to Japan during his term. US dollar exchange rate
was P2.00 to $1 US. One centavo can buy one lollipop. Rice was in ganta not
kilo. The country reached its sufficiency in rice production and for the first
time exported rice in 1977 through
Masagana 99 launched in May 1973. M-99 means producing 99 cavans almost 5 tons
of palay to a hectare. Agricultural inputs were in abundance. Through US National
Security Study Memorandum or NSSM 200
however headed by Henry Kissinger, Pres.
Richard Nixon’s miracle man, Philippines
one of his target among 13 countries to lower population, the country would soon
nosedive its economy. US Economic Hit Man Shultz made this possible doing dirty work for Uncle
Sam. During his 1983 Manila visit for
instance made possible the 20% devaluation of
Phil. peso adding further burden in liquidating already increasing
problematic foreign debt. (Jules Ragas Troyed
the Philippine Green Revolution.
August 16, 2012)
How much money amassed by Pres. Marcos?
Ans: There were varied of
figure entries here.$10B reportedly
stashed away in secret offshore account in the names of dummy entities like
William Saunders, Arellano . . . . $4B or P167.636 were recovered funds by PCGG
to the National coffers since 1987 until July 2014 comprising assets and
properties connected to Marcos Swiss accounts, his relatives and alleged
cronies. (INFOGRAPHIC: Marcos’ loot by
posted at 02/12/2014 reporting that 1.3B
Marcos’ loot or around US429 hidden wealth held up in litigation in Singapore.
The funds might not be used for compensation of human rights victims as enough
funds of P10B was already budgeted for them under the Law.
the graphic narrative of ASIAN JOURNAL
detailing how the First couple
systematically plundered the money of government coffer’s leaving it clean and
dry starting 1976 towards 1986. The figures would certainly make your mind
reeling. With the remaining Marcos
family posing possible comeback in
political field, the clincher ended with very important request – PLEASE PASS
Cory Aquino’s contribution to Filipino
Restoration of democracy after it was clipped under dictatorship ruled by iron
fist; 1987 Constitution drafted after EDSA revolution still officially law of
the land.
Numbers of human rights victims
under Martial Law?
Ans: Numbers vary – 10,000 were eligible
for claims. But numbers ballooned to 42,564 who filed human rights claims. This
didn’t include those who filed in Regional office. Commissioner Etta Rosales of
CHR was among those who filed. She was arrested and tortured in 1976. (Julie M.
Aurelio. Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Nov. 11, 2014)
How much budget allotted for
human rights claims?
Ans. There’s P8 Billion Fund to be awarded
to Human Rights victims. Processing has been facilitated through Human Victims
Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013 signed by Pres. Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino
III in Feb. 2013. Same Legal Act will end on May 10, 2016 prescribed by Law.
Initially P50,000.00 were awarded to individual victims some of whom have
already received their respective check.
It is universal and inalienable
right declared in 1948 and required duty of States to promote and protect all human
rights and fundamental freedom adopted
in 1993 Vienna World Conference.
Specifically, the State assumes to respect, protect and fulfill Human
Rights obligation.
Were child warriors featured in
the hostility?
Ans: Yes. There is no secret on this
violation as truth becomes the first casualty of war. There are five (5)
disturbing graphics on this on my file showing fighting kids in the country
engaged in hostility representing CCP NPA and Abu Sayyaf. It’s common knowledge
too that minors were used by the military per record.
Any saving grace of Marcos
during EDSA 1986 Peaceful Revolution?
His prudence not giving up refusing Gen. Fabian Ver’s advice of firing upon
thousands of assembled crowd proved to be his last plausible hurrah that
otherwise would have been one of the deadliest conflagration. Imagine thousands of people as casualties assembled
in the 54 kilometer long stretch along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue in Manila.
For this he was even perceived and considered a hero by post Martial Law Media.
It depends on who is speaking about it. But the fact remains People Unarmed
Revolution was one of best thing that ever happened to Philippines in Modern
History each one can speak freely his mind on different sensitive issues of the
day. (Ed Lingao. A Different EDSA Story.
Short Memories, Unfinished Businesses. Feb. 24, 2012)
Notes and Bibliography cited
from fiction and Epilogue:
There were too many from readings. Cited here are just too saved from file –
English translation of Ode to Mt. Sungcal:
What a bright sunlight
breaking early dawn
Bringing hope to still
yearning heart ‘tis brand new day.
How appalled am I captured in awe and admiration.
True enough how
beautiful its rays towards the endless
bringing gladness and enchantment.
Gradually .clouds
descending as if packaging the mountain.
And how fitting it was done
the gift transformed.
Up in the skylines of cloud
formation, the light seemingly inviting
Calling each one for grand celebration.
Listen the collective voice
of the people
Celebrating in habilitation
without knowing the reason
Too many less travelled
roads but not one dared threading on
What a pity wasting all
those energy otherwise spent for nation..
Come join as we travel on
He has been there waiting
for us longing our participation
Come, let’s walk on
together in this journey
He’s the one to save us
from all this mess and we should carry on.
2. Kamtanu Maitra and Gil Billington. True Marcos Legacy
3. Asian Journal:
Chronology of Marcos Plunder
4. My Idol
5. Malay, Ed: Ninoy Aquino:
Traitor or Hero? Time to Revisit Tag on Ninoy Aquino as National Hero
6. Cory’s Magic. August 18, 2009. (13 pages writes up on Cory and Ninoy)
7. Movement for the
Advancement of Student Power .com. Scandals
under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo from 2001-2009
8. Ragas, Jules M. Troyed the
Philippines Green Revolution. Aug. 16,2012
Aurelio, Julie M. 42,564 File Human Rights Claim.
Phil. Daily Inuirer. Nov. 11, 2014
$42 M Marcos Ill-gotten wealth
ordered return to Govt. Manila Bulletin.
August 28, 2014.
Lingao, Ed. A Different EDSA Story:Short Memories,
Unfinished businesses. Feb. 24, 2012
Important Timeline:
1965 – Ferdinand Marcos elected as
re-elected for 2nd term
Sept. 21, 1972 – Pres. Marcos declared PD
1081 or Martial Law
1974 –
1978 – Plurality Election. Pres. Marcos won
over Bartolome Cabangbang . . . .
1981 – Martial Law officially lifted by Pres. Marcos as gift to Pople John Paul
II visit to the country.
21, 1983- Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino’s assassination.
February 24, 1986 – EDSA People Power